Qinhuangdao Lulong County high school history museum

Qinhuangdao Lulong County high school history museum

Product details

       Lulong County Middle School in Hebei Province is a famous school in eastern Hebei Province with a long history。The school was founded in 1902 with the name"Yongping Fu Middle School”。celebratedBai MeizhuThe professor used to teach here。The pioneer and great of Chinese communismMarxismOne of the main founders of the Communist Party of China Li DazhaoHe spent his extraordinary high school years here (1905-1907).。

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    Considering the limitation of the whole space of the school history hall, the traditional and modern science and technology of the content display。The design team is not only a popular dead-panel display, but also needs to show the development history of the school through interactive experience and communication, and the display will turn the school history display into a story-telling display。It's not a simple display, it's an emotional display。

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       The school history Hall is a chronicle full of autobiography, but also a treasure of honor temple, but also a museum engraved with the imprint of the wind and change。The school history Hall will become an important platform for the school to cherish history, educate people and prosper the construction of campus culture.Become an important window for promoting the school, contacting alumni and communicating with other countries;To become the building of the people to forge ahead, pioneering and innovative, Xing school strong school spiritual motivation。
